Why get a Home Inspection done and what can be found through it
A home inspection is done to assess the condition of a property with regards to the safety and state of its structure, ...
A home inspection is done to assess the condition of a property with regards to the safety and state of its structure, and also looks for specific problems in other areas of the construction. Usually, professionals trained in property evaluation, not for its monetary value, but in terms of its safety and other mechanical conditions carry out the process. Although this is generally done prior to the sale of a house or a building, this can also be done periodically to assess the health of your house.
Source: https://pixabay.com/en/minimalism-simplicity-detail-white-94801/
Typically, an inspection of the roof, basement, air-conditioning system, structure, plumbing, electrical, and several other aspects of the building is done to look for faults, cracks, leakages, structural compromise and any other issues. In general, this is an assessment of the health of your home and gives an indication to what needs attention and what repairs and maintenance is required.
This can offer you a valuable feedback to problems in the house which may not be visible to the naked eye and requires a deeper understanding of problem areas and solutions. Although there are several issues which may show up during the inspection, one of the common problems observed is damp patches inside the house on specific walls or even the ceiling. If the dampness remains untreated, this can then damage the paint on the walls too and cause your interior décor to suffer as well. Here an inspection becomes valuable in assessing not only the extent of damage but in also charting out solutions regarding specific remedial steps and repairs which need to be undertaken.
Source: https://pixabay.com/en/plumbing-pipe-wrench-plumber-840835/
Now, when there are damp spots on the walls, there can be several reasons for the dampness – it could be due to rising dampness from high ground water table, cracks through which rainwater seeps inside, seepage from adjoining leaking walls of bathrooms or the kitchen. In such a case, traditional waterproofing methods are not sufficient in tackling severe dampness occurring due to these reasons.
What is required is a specialized treatment to halt this dampness permanently and effectively. Dr. Fixit Wonderproofsystem is a unique and universal waterproofing treatment for severe internal dampness.
Most importantly, you need not break the wall plaster to reach to the brick level to waterproof it. It is directly applied on the damp internal wall with the help of a brush and is very easy and convenient to use. Due to a quick drying technology, the work is carried out very rapidly and efficiently. This treated wall can then be finally plastered with waterproof leveling plaster to remove the undulations and give it a smooth finish.
At the same time it is essential to address the main cause of dampness and in case it is due to leaky pipes in adjacent bathrooms or kitchen, then these must be also repaired with appropriate products for which you can check out the range of sealants from Dr. Fixit.
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