Water leakage solutions to protect your pet’s health

Safeguarding your pet's health: water leakage solutions for home


Safeguarding your pet's health: water leakage solutions for home

Water leakage might be affecting your pets in ways that you don't expect. Know how waterproofing and water leakage solutions can help.

Arjun’s dog used to vomit without eating anything funny. He couldn’t figure out what was wrong with his dear Snoopy. After a few days of this routine, he took his dog to the vet. After running a few tests, the doctor determined that Snoopy had been licking mould. That was causing him to vomit.

That made Arjun wonder where he would come in contact with mould. He went home and checked his house to find a large patch of water damage under the sink. And no surprise mould was growing all around it.

Arjun realised he needed a water leakage solution before any more harm came to his furry friend.

Common water-related issues that can affect pets


Suppose you have water seepage in any part of your house. It can easily 

1. Contaminated drinking water

Water leaking from pipes can collect in one place, and your pet could drink it. It could also accidentally mix with clean drinking water. This leakage usually contains bacteria or parasites, and if your pet drinks it, it could get sick.

2. Mould growth

Areas around the leakage also get damp, which allows mould to grow. Mould spores can easily travel through the wind, and even your pet could lick it. This is really harmful, as it will cause stomach problems.

3. Accidental ingestion while sniffing/exploring

If your pet accidentally drinks seepage water, sniffs the mould, or eats plaster that falls off the wall due to leakage problems, they could get ill.


Potential health risks for pets


Here are some of the potential health risks to your pets due to water leakage and related issues:

  • Allergies - Allergic reactions like itchy skin, rashes, and hot spots can result from water damage.

  • Skin infections - Fungal or bacterial skin infections can easily take root if your pet constantly comes in contact with mould.

  • Digestive disorders - Consumption of the above-mentioned debris can cause digestive disorders and lead to stomach aches, vomiting, etc.


Water leakage solution - waterproofing for safeguard


Considering all these negative effects of water damage on your pets, be prompt in knowing how to stop water leakage. You can choose from a wide range of products after a thorough consultation with waterproofing experts.

You must take proactive measures to safeguard pets from water-related hazards. Those include -

  • Routinely check for leaks or moisture buildup

  • Ensure good airflow to prevent moisture accumulation

  • Provide clean, filtered water for your pets to drink

  • Restrict access to potentially dangerous areas like damp basements

  • Ensure faucets, pipes, and hoses are in good condition

Happy house, happy pets, happy you

Water leakage might be a minor inconvenience for you but it could be threatening for your pets. Make a habit of checking for water damage every few months. Waterproof high-risk areas like walls near sinks, bathrooms, pipelines, etc. at the earliest. Don’t put water leakage solutions for low-risk areas off for long. Contact Dr. Fixit by filling out the form given below for all waterproofing queries.

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