Areas Most Prone To Seepage and Leakage during Monsoon - The Happy Homes
Ah, now who doesn’t love a splash of the quick shower after the parched months of April and May! What a relief to see everything bloom and clean and green again. But your home might not echo the same sentiment.
With the onset of monsoon- and if you have not waterproofed your home- its aftermath is seen as much inside houses as outside and it’s not a pretty sight, let alone the fact that damp rooms, moulds and fungus can get you seriously sick. In addition, good waterproofing also increases the life of the structure.
Now that we are almost in the brink of entering heavy monsoons, take a note of these areas that are most prone to seepage and leakage and how you could avoid it. The importance of good waterproofing cannot be overstated.
There are four broad areas that need the most attention when it comes to waterproofing -
The exterior walls of a building: As buildings become old or are constantly exposed to harsh sun and temperature, the exterior surfaces start getting loose plaster and cracks in the walls. During the monsoon water can seep in the cracks and give you patchy, ugly walls and also a weak structure. Try Roff Hydamp which is primarily used for waterproofing of parapets, outer walls, chhajjas, and internal and external plastered surface. This waterproofing chemical is ideally suited for application on plaster, brick blocks and roughcast plaster blocks. It is also used for damp patches on plastered surface of internal walls.
Terrace, slabs or sloping roofs: Age, atmospheric changes and harsh climates create deep troughs and cracks on terraces, joint slabs and slopes. Use a good waterproofing solution like Roff Hyproof which is used for terrace waterproofing as well as concrete, sand-cement mortars, basements, roof waterproofing, screeds, water retaining structures, sunken slabs, water tanks, and sump tanks.
This must be done pre-monsoons.
Toilets, bath or sink slabs: Water could leak from your adjacent toilet and bath too and often it manifests as ugly peeling paint and damp walls. For toilet, bath and sink slab leakage use Roff Hyseal. It prevents water leakage when used as a waterproof coating for concrete water tanks, sunken slabs of bathrooms and toilets, basements, lift wells, inspection pits and underground structures.
Expansion Joints: Also, pay attention to expansion joints that get affected during the monsoons. Make sure you are waterproofing them as well for a home that’s healthy and monsoon happy.
At Happy Homes, we try and give you an overhaul of most common problems. If you have a specific problem that you need us to address, write to us and we’ll be happy to help.
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