Identifying ceiling cracks and when to employ roof waterproofing

Cracks in your ceiling? Don't ignore roof waterproofing


Cracks in your ceiling? Don't ignore roof waterproofing

Don't know if the crack on your ceiling needs immediate attention? Understand how to distinguish between cosmetic and structural cracks in buildings. Learn how this understanding complements roof waterproofing decisions for effective maintenance and protection.

Have you noticed cracks on your ceiling lately? Is it a sign that you need roof waterproofing? In most cases, YES. 

Ceiling cracks are common in homes, especially in older ones, and can act as catalysts for water leakage and seepage. However, when these cracks become serious, ignorance is NOT bliss. It is ideal to call a professional to fix the cracks and repair any roof leakage that might have followed.

But how do you spot a hairline, cosmetic, or serious crack? And what is the difference? There are various telltale signs. Let's understand in detail. 


Signs of serious ceiling cracks


Here are some common signs of a serious crack in the ceiling. Identifying these signs is important as you may have to consult a professional for roof waterproofing or a certified contractor for other repairs accordingly - 

  1. Crack and sagging: If you see a sagging roof or terrace accompanied by a crack, it indicates a serious issue. Get it checked as soon as possible to prevent further damage. 

  2. Crack and discolouration: If the ceiling appears faded or discoloured in the areas where there are cracks, it might be an indication of water-related damage. It means the ceiling is not waterproofed and water leakage is causing the problem.

  3. Cracks wider than 1/8 inch: Although wide cracks are not superficial but might be due to a water leakage or seepage issue. Such cracks require roof waterproofing.

  4. Cluster of cracks: Multiple small cracks in the ceiling might indicate early signs of a possible cave-in. 

  5. A diagonal crack across the ceiling: A large crack running diagonally across the ceiling indicates that the wall has suffered damage (most probably structural) and needs repair.

  6. Visible gap between the ceiling and the wall: If the crack indicates a gap between the ceiling and the wall, there might be a problem with your building's foundation. Either the foundation has shifted or is faulty, causing this gap.

  7. Crack across the ceiling and down a wall: A major crack running across the ceiling and down to the wall is serious. It might be a structure-related issue that needs immediate attention. 



How to address the issue


It is important to understand that different cracks require different solutions. Smaller cracks that appear on the plaster or paint of your ceiling are due to water seepage, leakage, or constant exposure to water. These issues can only be resolved by roof waterproofing which will also prevent water infiltration affecting the interiors of the house. 

However, if the cracks are bigger, seem to be expanding and show up in the wall (brick or structure), then it's a serious issue that waterproofing won't be enough for. This should be taken up immediately by an expert like an architect.


The bottom line


Paying heed to severe cracks and promptly seeking a professional's opinion will be a stitch in time saving nine for you. Fixing the ceiling cracks before they cause serious damage can help you save on future repair costs and avoid major inconveniences. 

Dr. Fixit can help you assess and identify the cracks in your home. And if roof waterproofing or wall waterproofing is the solution, we can help you get in touch with certified contractors too. You just need to fill out the form given below and we'll reach out to you for further assistance.



FAQ#1 - Do ceiling cracks indicate structural problems?
Ceiling cracks are a common occurrence that need immediate action. If the cracks look concerning, there are different factors to determine the actual cause of this issue. Look for the size and type of ceiling crack. A hairline or spiderweb crack indicates lesser damage to the ceiling than jagged and diagonal cracks. If you see any water damage near cracks, get it checked immediately, as the cracks may lead to bigger problems if left unattended. 


FAQ#2 - Does the ageing of the house cause ceiling cracks?

Yes, the ageing of the house can cause ceiling cracks. Paint buildup, plaster expansion and shrinking, or weakening of the building materials can all lead to such cracks.

These cracks can also allow water to seep through and damage the ceiling. It is, therefore, advisable to get roof waterproofing to avoid these cracks in the future.  


FAQ#3 - How to avoid ceiling cracks?

There are various ways to avoid ceiling cracks. Roof waterproofing during construction can provide targeted protection against water leakage or seepage (one of the main culprits). However, if they develop later, check if they are cosmetic or need an intervention and consult an expert immediately.

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