Internal/Exterior Walls & Ceiling surfaces एफ ए क्यूस

वॉटरप्रूफिंग गाइड

जब आप एक घर का निर्माण कर रहे हों, तो पानी के रिसाव को रोकने के लिए आवश्यक कदम उठाना बहुत जरूरी है। वॉटरप्रूफिंग के लिए डॉ फिक्सिट भारत का अग्रणी ब्रांड है जो आपको नींव से छत तक की सभी वॉटरप्रूफिंग जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए कई तरह के उत्पाद और समाधान उपलब्ध कराता है।

डॉ फिक्सिट आपके घर में लगातार होने वाली समस्याओं जैसे कि नमी, पेंट निकलना, सीलन आदि से बचाता है । आज के नए और आधुनिक वॉटरप्रूफिंग समाधानों के साथ डॉ फिक्सिटआपको रिसाव मुक्त घर की गारंटी देता है!

डॉ फिक्सिट प्रशिक्षित आवेदकों के साथ पूर्ण तकनीकी सहायता भी प्रदान करता है। अपने नए निर्माण के लिए अत्याधुनिक वॉटरप्रूफिंग का अनुभव करने के लिए हमसे संपर्क करें।

Dr Fixit FAQ 1
पेंट का छीलना
Dr Fixit FAQ 2
Dr Fixit FAQ 3
प्लास्टर में दरार
Dr Fixit FAQ 4
Dr Fixit FAQ 5
कंक्रीट का चिप्पड़ निकलना


what is the difference between Dr. Fixit WP putty vs normal wall putty? - Internal/Exterior Walls & Ceiling surfaces

Dr. Fixit WP Putty: Specifically designed to be waterproof, preventing moisture penetration and protecting walls from dampness.

  1. Made with advanced polymers and additives that enhance its performance in wet conditions.

  2. Offers longer-lasting protection against water damage, leading to improved longevity of the finish.

  3. Provides a smoother finish that enhances paint adherence and overall appearance.


Normal Wall Putty: Generally not waterproof; may absorb moisture, leading to issues like peeling and mold.

  1. Typically contains simpler formulations that may lack water-resistant properties.

  2. May require more frequent maintenance or repainting in damp conditions.

  3. May not achieve the same level of smoothness or adhesion, particularly in humid environments.

where can I apply / use Dr. Fixit Waterproof Wall Putty? - Internal/Exterior Walls & Ceiling surfaces

We can use Dr. Fixit Waterproof wall putty on both Interior and exterior surfaces.

Is Dr. Fixit WP putty able to resist mild dampness? - Internal/Exterior Walls & Ceiling surfaces

Yes… It can resist minor / mild dampness

What are the key benefits of using waterproof wall putty? - Internal/Exterior Walls & Ceiling surfaces
  1. Moisture Resistance: Protects walls from water damage.

  2. Smooth Finish: Provides a smooth surface for paint application.

  3. Excellent adhession for top coats.

  4. Durability: Enhances the longevity of paint by preventing peeling and flaking.

What are the Suitable substrates where Dr. Fixit Waterproof wall putty can be used? - Internal/Exterior Walls & Ceiling surfaces

Dr. Fixit waterproof wall putty can be used on various surfaces like concrete, plaster, and bricks, gypsum boards, cememnt sheets, etc. Pre painted area / Fresh plaster or Gypsum board / Primer on freshplaster, 

Can Dr. Fixit Waterproof Wall Putty be mixed by hand, and what are the things to keep in mind? - Internal/Exterior Walls & Ceiling surfaces

Dr. Fixit Waterproof Wall Putty should ideally be mixed with a putty mixer to ensure a homogeneous blend at the molecular level. Before application, ensure the surface is in an SSD (Saturated Surface Dry) condition. Note that heavy dampness on the surface will interfere with adhesion, so it’s recommended to use Dr. Fixit Sureseal on damp areas beforehand to prepare the surface effectively.

What is the open time / pot life of Dr. Fixit WP putty? In how much time Dr. Fixit WP putty starting to become hard? - Internal/Exterior Walls & Ceiling surfaces

What is the open time / pot life of Dr. Fixit WP putty? In how much time Dr. Fixit WP putty starting to become hard?

what is the shelf life of waterproof wall putty? - Internal/Exterior Walls & Ceiling surfaces

The shelf life of waterproof wall putty is typically 12 months when stored in a cool, dry place and in its original, unopened packaging. It is important to check the manufacturer's guidelines for specific storage recommendations and expiration dates. After opening, it’s best to use the product within a few months for optimal performance.