Today, as climate change is causing heavy untimely rains and steady rise in temperatures, buildings these days requires not only just waterproofing but a 100% leak free and heat free roofing solution together.
Government initiatives are also mandating the Energy Conservation Building Code (Especially for commercial buildings) in several states, which is making roof insulation an important requirement along with waterproofing.
Foreseeing these modern-day roofing requirements, Pidilite has designed and launched Dr. Fixit LEC (Low Energy Consumption) systems, which is an integrated insulation and waterproofing solution for roofs. It reduces heat gain through the slab by more than 90% and protects the concrete from thermal stresses thereby minimizing cracks in the structural concrete. The system enhances overall durability of the structure along with saving energy consumed by Air- conditioners. With proven performance in hundreds of projects across India over the past decade, Dr. Fixit LEC system provides 100% leak proof roof and offers a seamless insulation which results in high energy savings throughout the life of the building. The system offers a green and sustainable roofing which satisfies the ECBC guidelines and green building rating requirements of LEED, GRIHA & IGBC.
Dr. Fixit LEC System which has been designed as per the NBC 2016 guidelines and IS 12432 Part-3 Code for application, has a CFC and HCFC free spray applied polyurethane foam insulation on the mother slab to the desired thickness (depending on the roof assembly U Value requirements), thereby creating a fully bonded, monolithic jointless insulation system. The spray PUF is covered on top with elastomeric polyurethane/hybrid polyurea waterproofing coating. Together, as a system, it has high capacity to accommodate thermal stresses and dynamic loading. Since it is a completely mechanized solution under Pidilite’s’ supervision - speed, efficiency and accountability are the main distinguishing features.
The benefits of LEC System can be summed up in 3P categories:
Planet – Since the heat ingress into the structure drastically comes down with LEC system, the energy needs of the building reduce substantially. This in turn limits the consumption of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions, paving way for a greener planet.
People – The system enhances the overall thermal comfort of the occupant and creates a healthier environment in the building, thereby increasing the productivity of the end user.
Profit – As the energy need of the building reduces, the operational cost every year in terms of electricity comes down. Also, by downsizing AC requirements during the initial design, this system contributes to the reduction in capital investment in AC systems as well.
With benefits ranging from 100% leak free & heat free roof to enhanced human comfort & efficiency, Dr. Fixit LEC system fits right exactly into the requirements of modern-day sustainable roofing solution.
For further information, please contact us at enquiryplub@pidilite.com
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