Complete guide to maintaining and repairing your external wall plaster
Plaster walls give your house a great external look. To extend their life, it is crucial to inspect and spot the signs of wall damage in a timely manner. These maintaining and repairing tips will help you look after your external wall plaster in the best way possible.
Plastered walls are a trend in India, justifying so, because plastered homes look amazing. Also, these walls are easier to repair, more durable, more environment-friendly, and are better in terms of longevity. However, it is essential to maintain your exterior walls and plaster regularly and repair any damage caused. You can ensure the excellent condition of your walls by looking out for early signs of damage. Let's go through these four practical tips to maintain your exterior walls.
4 Tips to properly maintain your exterior walls
Below are some regular maintenance habits that you should follow to keep your walls in good condition and safe from damage.
Regular inspection for wall damage
A well-maintained home lives longer than an overlooked one. Inspecting your walls regularly is crucial. Look out for these signs during the inspection of external walls.
Cracks in the plaster
Paint layer peeled off
Water leakage
Small, big holes
Poor surface sealing
Seal the cracks immediately
If you spot any cracks, holes, or gaps in your walls, fixing them as soon as possible is better. The more time you take to fill the cracks, the more their chances of getting bigger and eventually escalating the damage.
Stain removal with gentle cleaning agents
Cleaning your exterior walls is crucial. Stains or dirt not only affect the appearance of your house but also, in some cases, lead to structural damage, like corrosion. But remember to use a mild detergent solution for cleaning. Rough, abrasive cleaning agents can damage the wall plaster.
Give your walls a retouch
Sometimes, all your exterior walls need to regain their shine, and lustre is a fresh coat of paint. Painting or retexturing your walls can vastly improve the appearance and elegance that faded away due to the discolouration of the last layer.
How to repair damaged exterior walls?
Proper maintenance of exterior walls is an excellent way to resist plaster damage. However, you must also be aware of repairing techniques to deal with some common problems like –
Small hairline cracks
These cracks mostly appear due to weathering. Cracks can also occur if the thickness of internal and external wall plaster is more than needed. Generally, hairline cracks less than 3mm wide are of no danger, but it is only a matter of time before they allow moisture to enter, escalating the damage. It is recommended that you consult a professional for the best advice.
Efflorescence means the deposition of salts on unsealed surfaces, such as brick, cement, stone, concrete, etc., when exposed to water. These problems are generally seasonal and peak during the monsoon. To remove efflorescence from your walls, you can use diluted vinegar, efflorescence cleaners, brushes, or pressurized water. After that, an ideal long-term solution would be waterproofing.
Loose plaster or peeling paint
Another typical problem homeowners face is a peeling paint layer and loose plaster that falls off. To fix this, the loose plaster is first scraped off, and then the area is cleaned. Make sure the area is dry. Invest in a good bonding agent for the best adhesion before applying a fresh layer of plaster. Hire certified contractors to repair the damage; taking it up yourself can cause accidents and ineffective waterproofing.
Dampness and water leakage
Moisture can corrode plaster and walls, and dampness in your home can have many health implications. Some common reasons for dampness or leakage may be improper drainage, loose plaster, water seepage, foundation cracks, etc. Fix the water leakage issue as soon as you find out the reason to avoid further damage to the walls.
Waterproofing is a must
Lack of exterior wall waterproofing might also be a reason for such damages. Do not just fix leakage problems temporarily; make sure to waterproof your exterior walls to avoid any inconveniences in the future. Dr Fixit provides a whole spectrum of products for waterproofing solutions for your exterior walls. Visit the website to know more. You can fill out the form given below to contact Dr. Fixit.
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